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29 December 2012

Resipi Baru, Ayam Gantung! Bessttnye..

29hb Dis 2012, Sri Gombak...

Tajuk macam kat akhbar yang biasa kita tengok la. Baru la laris akhbar-akhbar kalau ada tajuk-tajuk yang berdentum & menyentap seperti kes rogol, kes jenayah, pendek kata mestilah yang dasyat-dasyat & buruk-buruk. Ada tak berita kat muka depan seperti contohnya si Pulan juara hafazan AlQuran, si Pulan baru berumur 7 tahun tapi seorang hafiz? kan berita hebat juga tu..! Maaf, lari dari tajuk pula :). Anggap je ianya iklan.
So, balik pada tajuk dan intro (Gombak) di atas. Sekadar nak share informasi dan menggalakkan minda kita untuk berfikir, kaji & analisa, faham & bertindak terhadap sesuatu yang zahirnya nampak kecil sahaja tapi kesannya memang tak baik kepada fizikal & spiritual kerana apa yang kita makan akan menjadi DARAH DAGING kita nanti termasuklah kepada ZURIAT kita.

Alah... kecil je problem tu.. cuma gantung kat besi karat yang tak pernah basuh, cuma dibasuh oleh air hujan & air tapak kaki tikus je (bisikan hati orang yang tak faham). Pernah dengar kan berita anak terajang, tumbuk ibubapa? Lebih teruk lagi ada yang sanggup bunuh ibubapa sendiri! Kesan dari pengaruh sekitar seperti tv & kawan-kawan? Ada betul juga, TAPI itulah yang kita nampak kan? Itu yang zahir, tapi yang batin? Jadi, pentingnya makanan yang bukan sahaja HALAL malahan TOYYIBAH lagi. Cukupkah sekadar makanan yang halal yakni tanpa campuran bahan haram? Adakah cukup makanan tersebut halal serta disembelih mengikut syariat Islam tapi hilang toyyibah nya. Faham kan? Tak kut.. Kalau faham kenapa masih ramai yang bernama muslim & muslimah masih menjamu selera di kafe kopitiam yang tak diiktiraf halal oleh JAKIM (yang hairannya, kafe tersebut dah hampir atau lebih 10 tahun beroperasi). Ingat halal je tak cukup kalau tidak diiringi dengan toyyibah.

25 October 2012

Purchase From Oversea

Today I would like to share my experience purchasing the items from California, USA. Fyi, this is my first time buy & receive an items from far away (except for the neighbors, Indonesia & Thailand).
Most of us afraid if the item wouldn't reach us as expected either its wrong product, damage, etc. Of course, we need to check & verify the seller selling history, selling since when, etc. We also can copy the email address, nickname & company name then paste & browse into web to search any related articles about the seller.
In my case, its quite easy because its being recomended by experienced friend. I have ordered the motorbike part to replace my Yamaha Tmax faulty stator. Fyi, I did asked the local part dealers & Singapore too but most of the didn't keep the stock. They are also need long time to order the part & their price quite high. I can save about RM500(Malaysia) & RM200(Singapore) with direct order from this supplier. Actually, this is not the OEM part but the quality is match with the OEM or more better.

Below are the photos of the process:
The website

Once paid via credit card & confirmed cleared, then followup with USPS (US Postal Service). This app installed in my Android for easy monitoring:

This was the status at Pos Laju Malaysia:

After a week, it securely reached at my door step. Thankfully, no problems such custom clearance, other chargers. Thanks to Electrosport, USPS & Pos Laju.

14 October 2012

Contoh Melalui Teladan

Teladan yang baik adalah penting untuk manusia mencontohi atau sebagai role model. Jika role model yang buruk mengkendaki orang lain berbuat sesuatu yang baik adalah hampir kepada mustahil.
Janganlah sudah rasa bergelumang dengan undang-undang bermakna sudah faham dengan peraturan. Adakah bermakna boleh berbuat mengikut ketidakwarasan lalu meletakkan kenderaan sesuka hati? Apakah disebabkan waktu sudah malam bermakna terputus sudah etika meletakkan kenderaan? Jangan salahkan zuriat jika mencontohi sikap yg tak beretika. Ambilah iktibar.

04 October 2012

Nasi Kandar @kandaq - Telur Sotong Bessaarr Punya

Pada 04hb Julai 12 yang lepas saya telah pulang ke Pulang Pinang @Penang. Pada masa terluang, seperti biasa saya akan cari juga makanan-makanan kegemaran yang saya memang gemar sejak kecil lagi. Arwah ayah memang suka makan dan dia pernah bawa saya ke banyak tempat makan sehingga saya pun dah tak ingat tempat-tempat tersebut.
Contoh-contoh makanan kegemaran saya ialah seperti Nasi Kandar, Char Koay Teow dan Koay Teow Sup Lang Buana (Lang Buana adalah nama gerai tu. Ada satu lagi berdekatan jalan besar Gelugor).
Sekarang ni saya nak promote (takde komisyen pun..) Nasi kandar. Agak biasa bila kita dengar Nasi Kandar kat KL ni tapi yang susah kita jumpa ialah satu jenis lauknya iaitu TELOR SOTONG BESSAARR punya. Kat Penang agak mudah juga untuk cari tapi harganya agak mahal sikit, tapi berbaloi.
Biasanya selepas solah suboh di Masjid Besar Bayan Baru, saya akan singgah di tempat makan (kat Penang disebut Astaka, bukan astaga) belakang masjid tersebut. Kalau exactly selepas suboh biasanya takde la beratur panjang tetapi kalau dah jam 9 pagi ke atas, akan mula beratur panjang.

Inilah yang saya katakan tu, Telur Sotong Bessaarr punya (foto di atas adalah daripada laman web T.Kasih bro. Manakala yang di bawah adalah saya capture sendiri dengan menggunakan phone. Segan nak ambil banyak foto.):
Digoreng. Saya tak beberapa minat sangat.

Ini foto daripada camera phone saya:
Dimasak gulai kari. Sedap.. very moist, my favorite.

Sekian sahaja artikel Jalan-jalan cari makan saya kali ini. Saya sangat rekomen kepada viewers kalau sampai Penang jang lupa pekena Nasi Kandaq (jangan sampai tersandaq na.. :). Di samping tu try juga Char Koay Teow (malam sahaja. Kat area Bayan Baru) & Koay Teow Sup Lang Buana kat Gelugor. Selamat mencuba!

02 October 2012

Lock & Lock Tupperware

'Lock & Lock is the world's leading brand of airtight containers. Lock & Lock is especially well-known for its four-sided container interlocking system. Besides the outstanding and high-quality plastic airtight food containers, Lock & Lock also offers a variety of kitchenware made of glass, porcelain and stainless steel. There is also a vast selection of cookware, tableware, storage and cleaning supplies, and picnic sets. Other special categories include Seasonal Gift, Baby & Children and Gift Set.'

Yup, the above statement I was copied from the customers review website. Thanks to
These are the most popular Lock & Lock products:

I am also using so many types of it because I have tested, believe & trust the brand.
Today I would like to make just a lil argument about one of the product & surely it has disappointed many customers who has already purchased.

This is the cointainer I use to keep my raw rice. The design is absolutely very nice. Anyhow, this is the problem:

Ant & small insect can easily enter through the door! It a major failure as the brand is well known as air tight container. The company should withdraw this product from the market. No point to let it stay.

27 September 2012

Saman Parking

Kasihan... kotak parking pun tiada, namun saman tetap saman! Collection beb!

Pernah kita terfikir tak, pentingnya undang-undang adalah untuk kebaikkan dan keselamatan seluruh manusia. Namun begitu, wajarkah ianya memudharatkan manusia? Siapa boleh pertikai dengan IKHLAS bahawa tujuan UTAMA parking yang dibuat adalah untuk mengawal kedudukan kenderaan yang ditinggalkan agar tidak mengganggu laluan kenderaan yang bergerak. Jadi persoalannya ialah tujuan UTAMAnya ialah seperti yang saya sebutkan di atas atau UTAMAnya ialah untuk PENDAPATAN badan penguatkuasa kawasan/daerah?
Yang mana lebih baik? Tentunya ramai manusia menyokong bahawa undang-undang yang tidak memudharatkan manusia adalah lebih baik. Alangkah baik jika begitu. Kita redha jika melakukan kesalahan sehingga menyusahkan orang lain. Samanlah jika nyata parking di luar kotak.
Pihak yang berkenaan boleh mengurus & menetapkan kawasan mana yang boleh atau tidak untuk letak & tinggal kenderaan. Janganlah hanya kerana mementingkan PENDAPATAN lalu sangat mudah untuk mendatangkan PENGANIAYAAN kepada manusia. Hapuskan kaedah zalim yakni kena sewa parking dengan pembelian tiket parking. 'Alah, orang dah parking dalam kotak elok-elok, kan dah bagus tu..'.Banyak cara lagi untuk buat duit. Nak dapat KEBERKATAN rezeki & keredhaan Allah dalam kehidupan dunia & akhirat tak? Jawablah dengan seikhlasnya..

12 September 2012

Kipas Beeessssaaarrr

Pada 04/09/12, saya pergi ke kawasan Pandan Mewah di atas urusan kerja. Sudah dekat masuk waktu Zohor, singgah sekejap di sebuah masjid semasa menghala balik ke MRR2.
Saya memang pernah singgah agak lama dulu tapi kali ini ada sesuatu yang menarik perhatian ketika melangkah masuk ke dalam ruang solah utama.

Ini dia benda yang dikatakan tu:

Beessaarrnya kipas! Kalau tak silap ada la lebih kurang 12 kaki diameternya.
Masa duduk lepas solah tahiyyatul masjid kipas belum di'on' lagi tapi tak sabar nak tahu apakah efek bila di'on' nanti.
Bila dah 'on', fuh! Macam kat tepi pantai rasanya. Perlahan je pusingnya tapi memang 'cover' seluruh ruang solah utama.
Bagi saya ianya suatu inovasi yang amat kreatif dan pertama kali saya jumpa kat dalam masjid, mungkin anda dah pernah jumpa?
Tapi saya rasa yang susahnya kalau nak servis, kena gunakan skylifter lah jawabnya.

Durian Crispy

Durian season was here & found this delicious frozen food at local store Giant. The taste so great even my choosy daughter very like it.

Front packaging

Out of box

Fried. Only took about 10-15 minutes


04 September 2012

Review - Quaker Oat Cookies

This is my first & new section just to write some reviews for several local foods products.
Hope it can be useful for you all to get some information before you buy.
Today, I would like to write about the Quaker Oat Cookies that I bought in August 2012. I took only two taste but I can't remember how many taste in the market right now.

Left is with honey & nuts, right is with chocolate chips

Just to tell you all that previously I am quite not like the Quaker oat due to the taste was not met my taste. Now, this product is really change my mind. Yup, I love it! The most taste I preferred is the chocolate chips flavor.

This is the real shape when out from the packet (with honey & nuts). Its 3pcs in a packet, 5 packets in a box. Yeah, the shape is absolutely not same as ahown on the box but the most important is the taste!

12 June 2012

HTC HD2 screen sometime freeze/unresponsive

Recently my HTC HD2 (T-Mobile version) got problem whereby my touch screen became so crazy. I mean it sometimes freeze. I did explored in web & found 2 closest issues that related to the problem. Among so many feedback, I am most confident that the problem was came from the 'End button (red button)' due to this feedback ''.

08 June 2012, I went to Lowyat for repair. There were about 3 repair expert shop I visited & all of them told me the same answer which the problem was came from the faulty touch screen(some called it digitizer). So, I left my HTC HD2 to the last shop that I  most confident. It took about 2 days for repair.
Once collected, the problem still appear but not really obvious (maybe). I took the HTC HD2 home & play with it including all the buttons many times. I found the last problem still remain.

12 June 2012, I took my HTC HD2 back to the same repair shop. I told them that I dont mind about the touch screen replacement that cost me for RM280 (complete unit, the digitizer & the LCD) as I understand that most of the repair shop believe the cause was from the touch screen. In addition, my old screen displays seems not really vivid than the new one. Then, I just asked them to replace the Keypad Flex cable. This second repair took about just about 1 hour. Once collected, I play around with the screen & buttons especially the End button. Based on my test, I can say 98% problem was solved. The 2% is refer to the screen response lil bit delay, I believe it is come from the custom Rom installed. For me, the 98% is meet my satisfaction & I am very happy for the condition now.

The Keypad Flex cable:

One of the best thing is the second repair doesn't cost me anything! Hmm.. weired  :p but surely good :D. I did reconfirmed with the boss (I believe he is the boss) & he said absolutely FREE.... I am still wondering maybe there is something fishy... well, nothing to loose, its confirmed F.O.C. :).

Here is the photo that I able to snap during my way left the Lowyat. I recommended to you all.
1-TC 16, 1st floor, Lowyat Plaza
Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 KL.
Tel/fax : 603-21452282

Now, still exploring what is the other best custom Rom for my HTC HD2 for the 5th time :).

Thank you Mr. Peter (the boss).

Latest updates:-
About a day, the device has been returned to them due to same problem appeared but not obvious as the earlier day. Left the HTC & wait somewhere for the repair work. During waiting, I have thingking about the old part (flexi cable) was with them. Once got the HTC back, they told me that they can't do anything then I test it but found the problem was same as the day 1 which was worse than the 'repaired' day. Just wondering whether they has reinstall the old flexi cable? Its possible because they have not charge me as they told me it has been replaced without any cost... Well, just brought it back with very disappointed feelings.
After few days, I have sold the HTC due to the problem cannot be solved. Now I am owned Samsung Nexus & I am happy with it.
