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15 October 2011

Cukai kepala... Oops silap, cukai taksir.. (sama je)

Taknak komen apa-apa... Gambar translate ceritanya..

Borang E terkini:

Borang E online (E-Taksir):

Akta Kerajaan Tempatan 1976:

Pada 'Borang E dolu-dolu...' kalau lewat bayar kena charge RM20. Taksiran 6 bulan/setahun 2 kali, jadi ada la masa untuk buat pembayaran sebab dapat leadtime lama sekurang-kurangnya 2 bulan..

Pada Borang E terkini.. eh, mana? tak nampak pun notis lewat bayar dolu-dolu tu..? Taksiran sebulan sekali pula? 15 hari nak kena settle? Posmen hantar kat rumah pun makan masa.. Cepat pak posmen! nanti saya kena charge extra RM20!!

So guys, be careful....!

Dari Abi Aaid Al-Khudri, bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda: "Barangsiapa melihat kemungkaran, maka dia hendaklah menegah kemungkaran itu dengan tangannya iaitu kuasanya. Jika tidak mampu, hendaklah ditegah dengan lidahnya. Kemudian kalau tidak mampu juga, hendaklah ditegah dengan hatinya. Itulah selemah-lemah iman."
H.R. Muslim.

Jadi kalau tak mampu juga.. janganlah bersubahat. Anda makan gaji dengan PBT? Tepuk dada, tanya Iman!


27 August 2011

Rojak & Cendol... Sedapnye...

Lama dah aku nak share dengan seberapa ramai yang boleh tentang perkara makan ni. Apa yang sempat dirakam pasti aku cuba share dengan anda semua. Mudah-mudahan, Allah memberi ilmu untuk kita ambil ikhtibar walaupun terbit dicelah bibir 'alah, perkara kecik je..'   Ye ke? Sumber rezeki untuk dimakan sekeluarga terutama anak-anak tu kalau dah jadi darah daging, tu yang mak & ayah kena pijak & leher kena penggal tu.. Kecik je kan..?

Kekadang nampak simple, remeh tetapi kesannya...?

Gambar-gambar ni adalah 2 peniaga makanan popular especially kepada warga KL.. Rojak & Cendol..
Ini area tempat kerjaku, kedua-dua peniaga ini bukan muslim. Ada satu je muslim tapi Ramadhan ni dia tolong pakcik dia berniaga di pasar Ramadhan.

Mungkin anda tertanya, takpelah bukannya makanan tu haram. Ye, memang tak haram.. tapi ada syubahah yakni pengendalinya bukan muslim.
Secara ringkasnya, kenapa kita WAJIB mandi junub setelah berlaku hadas besar & WAJIB juga bagi seorang kafir yang baru memeluk Islam?
Ye betul, utamanya ialah untuk mengangkat hadas besar dan menghilangkan najis pada tubuh.
Jadi, dapat tak message yang saya nak sampaikan mengenai gambar2 di atas?

Suatu masa dulu, ada seorang cleaner digajikan EON Bank ni tengah makan cendol. Aku pun cakap (nada perlahan).. kak, tukang buat cendol ni bukan muslim.
Akak tu pun jawab (nada TAK perlahan).. Apa pulak! ni Pak Kassim punya la...!!
Iyolah, Pak Kassim tu pakai gelang tali kat tangan & baru balik sembahyang kat Batu Caves. Elok je 'Pak Kassim' tu tengah layan customer pada masa tu..

Ni pulak kat depan Seng Heng. Masa solah Jumaat pun dia sedang berniaga. Takde pekerja atau pembantu selain dia, seorang lelaki. Muslim ka? Lu pikir la sendiri.

Lokasi: Fasa 1, Sri Gombak.

Manusia yang bijak menjadikan sesuatu peristiwa adalah iktibar dan pengajaran untuk menuju ke arah yg lebih baik.

19 August 2011

Update 19.08.11. Test - HTC HD2 stock battery replacement

continue from

This is the very final solution I found:-
My old reports was using OS Android 2.2.1 (Froyo). This version was problem to this matter!
Above is the report when I upgraded to Android 2.3 (Gingerbread).
Walla! The battery consumption was not less than 60% within 9 hours in normal usage.

Track records:
17.03.11 -
19.03.11 -
26.03.11 -
19.08.11 - This one...

26 March 2011

Update 26.03.11. Test - HTC HD2 stock battery replacement

continue from

Here is the latest result (my final result *not anymore):

Here are some information given by the supplier about the issues:


He also mentioned: 'I think what you need to do is completely discharge the battery and then do a full continuous recharge maybe three or four times so that the phone can adjust to the new higher capacity so it knows how much it can recharge before stopping. i remember having to do a similar thing with laptops when you increase the battery size.'

19 March 2011

17 March 2011

Test - HTC HD2 stock battery replacement

Recently, I have browse my local websites to search for the replacement of my HTC HD2 due to the unsatisfied original stock battery whereby I need to recharge at least for every 6-7hrs after full charged.
For the first time, I did charged for 8hrs using portable charger then I start to use this Andida battery on the next day. During using it for 2-3 days the battery consumptions were worse than the stock! I did called the seller on the 3rd day. The seller told me that the battery need to run at least 6-7 recharge cycle then it will show the performance. Ok, I did follow the advice. So, this is the result...

Stock 1230mah
Andida 1600mah

This is the comparison chart that I've made:

02 February 2011

Hooray! I got a discount coupon, but...

This is my discount coupon:

Unfortunately, they have their 'Hot Deal' too but the period seems not appropriate...:

Then, when can I use my discount coupon??

Today, I just emailed to their HQ to highlight abt this. Hope they able to answer my issue.. To be continued.....

16 January 2011

Boost up your Astro / Byond satellite signal

Recently I have upgraded my Astro to Byond. My last time Astro (old Astro) was normally being interrupted during raining as I believe all of Astro subscribers are facing this same issue right?
Once my new Astro Beyond was installed, I can saw the sattellite signal just ok but I am not really satisfied because I don't want the same problem happen during my old Astro.

This is how I has boost up my Astro Byond satellite signal:

1) Signal during installed on day 1:

2) Signal when installed the in-line amp:

3) The in-line amplifier (any brand. ask the seller):

4) Installation:

Happy D.I.Ying...:)