Most of us afraid if the item wouldn't reach us as expected either its wrong product, damage, etc. Of course, we need to check & verify the seller selling history, selling since when, etc. We also can copy the email address, nickname & company name then paste & browse into web to search any related articles about the seller.
In my case, its quite easy because its being recomended by experienced friend. I have ordered the motorbike part to replace my Yamaha Tmax faulty stator. Fyi, I did asked the local part dealers & Singapore too but most of the didn't keep the stock. They are also need long time to order the part & their price quite high. I can save about RM500(Malaysia) & RM200(Singapore) with direct order from this supplier. Actually, this is not the OEM part but the quality is match with the OEM or more better.
Below are the photos of the process:
The website
Once paid via credit card & confirmed cleared, then followup with USPS (US Postal Service). This app installed in my Android for easy monitoring:
This was the status at Pos Laju Malaysia:
After a week, it securely reached at my door step. Thankfully, no problems such custom clearance, other chargers. Thanks to Electrosport, USPS & Pos Laju.