I believe we have experienced this problem, especially for the brand TEFAL . TEFAL product is quite popular in shopping centers . However, if electrical TEFAL having problems , where do you need to send for a repair ? It is quite hard to find on the website and what we are able to find on the Facebook is an incomplete information and a lot of negative complaints posted by users of the TEFAL who visit the website.
I am also had felt to give up to fix my TEFAL Steam Generator which has a mechanical problem.
After contacting the supermarket where I bought TEFAL product , I managed to get the sole distributor and service center of TEFAL products and others as above.
So, here is a reference of the said company to share (Click then 'save as' to download the image. You'll able to see more ):
*Photo courtesy from Panchan Kyaik (http://www.panoramio.com/user/4452518). Thank you.
Hope it can be beneficial and help you solve your problem .