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30 May 2013

Repairing broken windshield - Yamaha Tmax

Recently, my bike's windshield was broken due to the misbehave action by one of the lorry co-driver who was suddenly open his door on the time when I have gone through slowly at the side of the lorry. Yeah, idiot guy!
Well, I did repair the windshield by myself as I did the lil bit mods last time on it. Here the things to share, hope it helps someone who is desire to do it too.

1. Thick paper (1pc)
2. Pen for marking (1pc)
3. Sandpaper - Very gross one for initial process (1pc)
4. Sandpaper - Very smooth, 1000 type (1pc)
5. Jig saw - please use the most smooth saw bit
6. Steel hand saw - small type
7. The very most important, please be absolutely patient. Move very slowly during the windshield cutting process

Important. Cover the nearby working area, so the plastic chips will not enter any of your bike inner body.

Cut out the paper as what you wish the curve of the shape of the windshield to be cut off.

Mark both left and right portions using the cut paper. Then, start cut using your jig saw.
CAUTION: Don't cut with the jig saw until the end, continue with the hand steel saw.

The result. You may email to '' if you have any further help.